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President's Cabinet

The FIT SGA President’s Cabinet is made up of the following elected FIT SGA positions; President, Vice President, Chief of Staff, Director of Finances, Director of Communications, and the following Secretaries; Academic Affairs, Campus Affairs, Career Exploration, Diversity and Inclusion, Student Affairs and Sustainability. 


The President serves as the head of the Executive Council and President’s Cabinet. The President shall chair and set the agenda for all Cabinet meetings. The President shall work with the SGA advisor to set a time to meet with the members of the Executive Council and set the agenda for this meeting. The President shall serve as the Student Trustee on the FIT Board of Trustees. The President shall serve as 1 of 3 voting delegates to the SUNY Student Assembly. The President reserves the ability to create an initiative that will serve as the main focus of their tenure.

Vice President

The Vice President serves as the President of the FIT SGA Student Senate. The Vice President shall chair and set the agenda for all Senate meetings. The Vice President shall assume any and all duties of the President if the President is unable to fulfill them. The Vice President is responsible for distributing Senators into committees and overseeing all committees. The Vice President shall serve as 1 of 3 voting delegates to the SUNY Student Assembly.

Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff serves as the chair of the Judicial Branch. The Chief of Staff is responsible for maintaining the SGA google account and all aspects of it including the email and calendar. The Chief of Staff is responsible for maintaining the SGA office and all supplies within it. The Chief of Staff is responsible for curating office hours and general attendance.  The Chief of Staff shall assume any and all duties of the Vice President if the Vice President is unable to fulfill them. The Chief of Staff shall serve as 1 of 3 voting delegates to the SUNY Student Assembly and act as the “Campus Liaison”. ​

Director of Finance

The Director of Finance shall inform the President’s Cabinet and Senate of the balance of the Student Activity Fund at every Senate meeting and upon request. If an inquiry regarding use of the SAF is opened, the Director of Finance shall lead the effort within the SGA. The Director of Finance is responsible for drafting and proposing internal SGA financial policy. The Director is responsible for executing any actions voted on by the Student Senate regarding financial concerns.

Director of Communications

The Director of Communications shall oversee all aspects of external communications and ensure that attendance and participation of the SGA at any events is documented and broadcasted through the appropriate channels. The director is also responsible for all aspects of the image, branding and marketing of all things related to the FIT SGA. The Director is responsible for executing any actions voted on by the Student Senate regarding communications.

Secretary for Academic Affairs ​​

The Secretary for Academic Affairs advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to their academic needs. This includes all aspects of a student’s academic experience at FIT both inside and outside of the classroom. The Secretary is responsible for addressing needs related to faculty, curriculum, academic support services, academic policies and procedures, the classroom experience, etc.

Secretary for Campus Affairs 

The Secretary for Campus Affairs advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to their needs related to the physical campus spaces and resources. This includes all aspects of a student's experience at FIT both inside and outside of the classroom. The Secretary is responsible for addressing needs related to the buildings and grounds at FIT, technology and innovation, contracted services at FIT including; campus dining, maintenance and janitorial services, and public safety, the physical campus environment, etc.

Secretary for Career Exploration

The Secretary for Career Exploration advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to their professional development, career preparation and career placement. This includes all aspects of a student's experience at FIT related to applying the education received at the institution. The Secretary is responsible for addressing needs related to FIT’s internship programs, career advising and support, alumni-related initiatives, student on-campus employment, etc.​

Secretary for Diversity and Inclusion

The Secretary for Diversity and Inclusion advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to both the needs of a diverse campus community and also advocates on behalf of creating a supportive, inclusive and diverse campus community.  The Secretary is responsible for addressing needs related to faculty, curriculum, campus-wide support services, campus-wide policies and procedures, both the classroom and out-of-classroom experience, etc.

Secretary for Student Affairs 

The Secretary for Student Affairs advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to their needs as students at FIT. This includes all aspects of a student’s experience at FIT both inside and outside of the classroom but with a focus on the co-curricular or outside-of-the-classroom experience. The Secretary is responsible for addressing needs related to campus-wide support services, campus-wide policies, and procedures, issues or conflicts with the FIT Community, the holistic development of FIT students, etc.

Secretary for Sustainability

The Secretary for Sustainability advocates on behalf of the FIT student population as it relates to their needs and ability to be students at FIT and beyond.  The Secretary is responsible for advocating on behalf of student issues involving climate change and ecological concerns, both at FIT via related policy and actions but also outside of FIT and in the context of being a global citizen. The Secretary is also responsible for advocating that sustainability, including climate change and climate justice is incorporated into all aspects of a student’s experience at FIT.

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