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Campus Affairs Committee 

Committee Chair

Lakshya Lodha, Secretary for Campus Affairs


Committee Members

Hannah Mangione, Senator for Animation, Interactive Media and Game Design

Elise Harfield, Senator for Technical Design 

Patrick Garry, Senator of Art History and Museum Professions


The subcommittees for the Campus Affairs include:

  • Buildings & Grounds

  • Campus Dining & Food Services

  • Technology & Innovation


Buildings & Grounds

The purpose of the Buildings and Grounds Committee is to promote that the facilities at FIT are meeting the needs of the FIT student body.


Campus Dining & Food Services​

The purpose of the Campus Dining and Food Services Committee is to promote that FIT is providing an adequate and robust campus dining experience for the FIT student body. Additionally, this committee shall assist FIT’s food service provider with the development of student dining hall menus and meal offerings.​


Technology & Innovation

The purpose of the Technology and Innovation Committee is to promote that FIT is providing the most current technology and innovative approaches to teaching and learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

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