Food Pantry
The FIT Food Pantry is a direct response to the State University of New York (SUNY) system initiative to provide students with more immediate resources to fight food insecurity. SUNY & FIT recognize that due to the rising cost of attending college, our students are struggling to balance the costs of personal necessities such as food while paying for tuition, textbooks, and art supplies, just to name a few. The Food Pantry was put in place to help students thrive as they complete and obtain their degrees from FIT.
How to Use the Food Pantry
The Food Pantry will continue its operation for Spring 2023 and can only be accessed by FIT students who are currently enrolled (full-time or part-time) in a degree program at the College. The food pantry staff will be checking the enrollment status of students accessing the pantry.
Students can access this pantry to pick up food based on the meal(s) they require for that day. All students who access the space will be required to complete a brief intake form this will be required the first time at each semester they make a request for Food Pantry items. After this, students can access the food pantry as needed. A Food Pantry staff member will contact the student to see if the student needs to be connected with other on-campus resources. Your information will be kept as private as possible.
Please follow the steps below to make a request for food from the FIT Food Pantry:
1. Visit the FIT Food Pantry in Room A737
2. Complete the Intake Form
3. Fill out the Sign-In Sheet
4. Take up to 4 items
For students who may have a greater need, we hope you will take a look at our listing of local resources.
Products offered in the pantry are based on availability.
If you have any questions, please email
The FIT Food Pantry is located in Room A737 on the 7th floor of David Dubinsky Student Center. (For access and in-person inquiries, please visit the Department of Student Life in Room A713).
Local Food Pantries
For a list of local food pantries, visit the Local Food Pantries resources page.
You may also be eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Benefits. SNAP Application: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a government program that issues electronic benefits that can be used like cash to purchase food. SNAP helps low-income working people, senior citizens, the disabled, and others feed their families.
If you wish to donate to the FIT Food Pantry, please email or drop it off at the Department of Student Life in Room A713.